Category Archives: friendship

Love More, Worry Less

John Lennon wasn’t perfect (cough, ahem, Yoko, cough) but he was right about one thing – all you need is love.

just love lennon quote

No matter where you fall on the dating spectrum, Valentine’s Day brings anxiety and agida. (That’s indigestion for all you non Italian-Americans)

valentine's day 2

If you’re in a committed relationship there are expectations to meet, which can feel even more daunting if you’re in a newly committed relationship.

If you’re single there is a certain exclusion, you don’t really get to participate even if you want to. (Or do you???)

valentine's day

I’ve never had your stereotypical Hollywood Valentine’s Day.

The one and only time I’ve been in a committed relationship for the Holiday of Love I received a coffee thermos as a gift.

Practical? Yes. Romantic? Not at all.

What’s Valentine’s Day really about if you take away all the Hallmark commercialization?

hallmark valentine

150 million of these are given each year!!

February 14th was officially declared Valentine’s Day in the 5th century by Pope Gelasius, although written Valentines were not exchanged until the 1400’s.

During the Middle Ages, in France and England, it was commonly believed to mark the start of birds’ mating season.

bird mating season

Supposedly, Valentine’s Day celebrates any one of three saints called Valentine, all of whom were martyred, one of whom happened to die on February 14th.

Some say it’s a Christianized version of the pagan celebration of Lupercalia.


Celebrated at the ides of February, Lupercalia was a fertility festival dedicated to Faunus, the Roman god of agriculture.

To begin the festival, priests would sacrifice a goat for fertility and a dog for purification. (I guess dogs really are clean animals!)

luprecalia sacrifice

The goat’s hide was then cut into strips, dipped in the sacrificial blood, and taken to the streets, where women awaited and welcomed slaps on the face with the blood soaked goat hide.

This was believed to make them more fertile in the coming year.


After this loving ritual, all the young women of Rome would place their names in a giant urn.

The city’s bachelors would then each choose a name and become paired for the year with his chosen woman.

Just think about that the next time you lament your relationship status during the month of February!

relationship status

I don’t know about you, but, I’d rather be a little lonely than slapped in the face with a blood soaked hide and randomly paired off with some neighbor for the next year.

So no matter where you fall on the relationship spectrum…

New relationship:

love is a risk peter mcwilliams quoteCommitted relationship:

committed relationshipSingle and loving it:

being single is awesomeSingle and frustrated:

My Love Life

Just remember

love more worry less

Happy Valentine’s Day!!

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Filed under dating, family, friendship, giggles and such, inspiration, looking for love, quotes, sex

It’s Finally Friday!!!

Quote of the Day:

everything happens for a reason marilyn quote

Music Makes me Happy:

I been tryin to do it right, I been living a lonely life…

Live Out Loud:

Have trouble asking for what you want? 8 tips for communicating effectively.

Luscious Locks:

Gorgeous half up look.


Burn the candles, use the nice sheets, wear the fancy lingerie. Don’t save it for a special occasion. Today is special.

Wine Me, Dine Me:

Do you like tacos? Is the sky blue??

Health and Wellness: 

Stiff neck? Check out these yoga poses.


Super cute Valentine.

Giggles and Such:

it's winter

i'd explore her

big dill

Have a great weekend!!!

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Filed under dating, DIY, Finally Friday, following your dreams, food, friendship, giggles and such, growing up, hair tutorials, health, inspiration, looking for love, music, quotes, videos, work

Girl Code

Everyone knows “bros over hoes” but have you ever heard of girl code?girl codeKind of the same concept but for the ladies.

This week’s episode of Two Broke Girls talked about following the “Girl Code”.

2 broke girls

(BTW If you’ve never seen Two Broke Girls you should totally check it out. Super funny and Max is totally the smart ass voice in my head.)

Things you should never EVER do to a fellow female. Friend or not.

uteruses before duderuses

I’ve done some thinking and come up with a top 5.

Please note, I did not include always tell her if she has something in her teeth, her hair is looking a little crazy, or she needs an outfit adjustment.

I think that’s a given and something you should do for everyone.

Girl Code Commandments

1.) Don’t fight over guys. This applies several ways: don’t be a home wrecker, always ask before you start dating a friend’s sibling, if your friend expresses an interest in someone – that someone is now off limits, never EVER date a friend’s ex – unless you have asked for and received explicit permission.

rules of femminism

2.) No one gets left behind. This commandment is especially important when inebriated. Whether it’s a party, a club, or your local dive bar – always leave with who you came with – ALWAYS. And never let a friend leave with random strangers. EVER.


3.) Don’t be the disappearing girl. We all know a girl who pulls a Houdini when she starts dating someone. And we all resent her. Always make time for both your lover and your friends. When shit goes sideways, your friends will be the ones to wipe away your tears and help you hide the bodies.

disappearing girl

4.) Loose lips sink ships. ALWAYS keep the secrets you have been trusted with. Even if your friendship has fallen by the wayside.

keep secrets

5.) Be honest. No one likes a liar and the truth will always come out. This also applies when you know things that could hurt someone’s feelings. Did you see a friend’s man doing something shady? Hear a nasty rumor about your girl? Tell her – no one wants to get played for a fool.

be honestAnd last but certainly not least…..


Because, seriously, who hasn’t been there?!?

What about you ladies?

Do you follow a girl code??

What are your commandments?


Filed under dating, deal breakers, friendship, growing up, looking for love

It’s Finally Friday!!! (sort of…)

Apparently I was so excited it was Finally Friday I forgot to post yesterday. Better late than never right?? Enjoy 🙂

Quote of the Day:

emerson quote

Round the World: 

Looking to get away this winter without breaking the bank? Check out these top rated all-inclusive resorts.

Wine Me, Dine Me:

Crazy easy and super healthy. I usually substitute red and yellow bell peppers and sugar snap peas for the veggies.

Climbing the Ladder:

Interviews make you nervous?? Read this!

Don’t fall for these 6 career myths.


Living wall art. So.Frigging.Cool!!!

Health and Wellness:

We all know meditation is good for us but I bet you didn’t you know all these benefits?!?

Techie Love:

Think your smartphone does everything?? Bet you didn’t know it could do this!

Friends Forever:

The grown-up way to show you’re BFF’s.

Giggles and Such:

Who’s driving that car??

Pre-heating the oven if the foreplay of baking.

you look nice today

never look back

age doesn't matter

Have a great weekend!!!

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Filed under Climbing the Ladder, DIY, Finally Friday, food, friendship, giggles and such, health, Life Style, nesting, quotes, technology, videos