Tag Archives: Dan Cathy

Don’t Be A Dick

I am sick and tired of hearing racist, bigoted rhetoric.

It doesn’t matter who you are; Mitt Romney, Dan Cathy, or just your run of the mill douchebag spewing hate from his local bar stool.

Mmmm, tastes like bigotry

Can we please all agree to stop??

Being gay isn’t contagious; you can NOT catch it by talking, hugging, or being nice to a gay person.

Gay parents do not turn children gay.

In fact, if Zach Walhs is any example of what you get when gay parents raise children, I’d say they do a damn good job!

Gay marriage will NOT destroy the sanctity of marriage.

Homosexuals are not evil people lying in wait to sexually abuse your children.

Jerry Sandusky is a convicted serial child molester who until recently was considered a pillar of the community.

Allowed to adopt, foster, and coach young children.

I don’t know about you, but I’d leave my hypothetical children with a cross-dressing drag queen over that piece of shit any day.

Assholes come in all shapes and sizes.

Being black doesn’t automatically make someone a drug dealing gang banger.

Puerto Ricans are not all lazy, jobless, no-goods living off the system.

Asians do not all know karate, excel at math, or drive like idiots.

I am continually shocked and appalled by the racist, bigoted comments people find appropriate and acceptable to say out loud and in public.

Before you judge someone take a long hard look in the mirror.

What makes you better than them??

This speech is from 1940 and it still resonates today.

Can we please agree to start acting like decent human beings?

Be kind to your fellow man (and woman).

Regardless of race, color, or sexual orientation treat ALL people with respect.

Don’t lie, cheat, or steal.

Mind your manners.

And can we PLEASE ban the following words from our human lexicon:

nigger, faggot, spic, chink, or ANY racial slur for that matter

Asshole covers bad behavior pretty well in my book. Why make it racial??

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Filed under Change, deal breakers, etiquette, growing up, inspiration, Life Style