Monthly Archives: February 2013

Everything, All at Once, Right Now!

I’m great at identify goals and the necessary steps to make said goals come true.

What I am NOT great at is maintaining the patience to achieve my goals.

god grant me patience

I drive much like I live my life.

As fast as possible without getting caught by the fuzz šŸ™‚

Reminding myself to slow down is a constant battle.

I remember when I was in high school, my Grandfather telling me, “don’t forget to stop and smell the roses.”

stop and smell the roses 3

Come on! If monkeys can do it, so can you!!

I rarely remember to take a beat when I hit a milestone or an accomplishment.

Instead of giving myself a pat on the back and an “atta girl!”, I immediately begin to focus on the next hurdle, the next chance to hit it out of the park.

As part of my Happiness Project, I am going to start giving myself permission to celebrate the small victories.

Who cares if that small victory is only measurable by me.

It’s my victory, dammit!

victory is mine

I think we’ve become a society with such an expectation and focus on success that we’ve forgotten how to recognize the hard work it takes to actually achieve success and we’ve definitely forgotten how to make time to bask in that success.

This week IĀ  challenge you to stop and smell the roses.

Yes, I know it’s February in New England.

So they will have to be metaphorical roses.

your metaphorical rose :)

your metaphorical rose šŸ™‚

But whenever you cross a finish line (no matter how small you feel it is), give yourself a little time-out to acknowledge your achievement.

I promise, it will alleviate that hamster-on-a-wheel feeling.

If only for a couple minutes…

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Filed under Change, Climbing the Ladder, dating, following your dreams, growing up, Happiness Project, inspiration

It’s Finally Friday!!!

Quote of the Day:

open mind zappa quote

Peace of Mind:

How to go from breakdown to breakthrough.

Health and Wellness:

Kissing is good for you.


Clean your house AND get rid of toxins.

Techie Love:

Ten apps to improve your commute.

Peace of Art:

How to have a photo ready smile.

Climbing the Ladder:

Have a tough time asking for what you want? How to negotiate and get everything you want.

Giggles and Such:

Viewer discretion advised. This gets fowl.

i don't speak walmart

if life were like hockeyi am satisfied overallHave a great weekend!

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Filed under Climbing the Ladder, Finally Friday, Following Your Dreams, Get Cultured, Home Sweet Home, My Favorite Things

I have a dream…

“The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams.”

~ Eleanor Roosevelt

What does your happily ever after look like?

The older I get the less attractive the traditional white picket fence scenario looks.


It’s a beautiful house, but I don’t want to be the one responsible for its upkeep and occupants.

Maybe it’s because I know the sacrifices that come with raising a family.

Or maybe I just have a deep, abiding love for alone time.

alone time

But the thought of getting married, making a home, and popping out 2.5 kids doesn’t make my heart race. (sorry Mom)

Falling in love and making a commitment to someone makes my heart race – but that could just be palpitations from a panic attack.

The thought of seeing the world; immersing myself in new and different cultures, traipsing through third world countries and having adventures with my partner in crime – now that definitely gets me going.

not all those who wander are lost

I’ve realized, I’m okay, not having the corner office, driving the shiny new car, buying stuff and things.

I’d rather fill my life with experiences than possessions.

adventure is the best way to learn

And I’m actually pretty good at being poor – guess it helps to be frugal – thanks Mom šŸ™‚

I think it’s time we all start giving ourselves permission, to openly and honestly, want what we truly want.

do your own thing

Say it out loud and start making it happen!

I want to quit my job(s), find work as a freelance writer, and travel.

quit your job

Anyone out there have any helpful hints on making that dream come true??

What would you do if money was not a factor?

Do you even know??

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Filed under Change, Climbing the Ladder, dating, following your dreams, growing up, money, travel, videos

It’s Finally Friday!!!

Quote of the Day:

Alice in Wonderland quote

How Does Your Garden Grow:

If you use as much garlic as I do this will save you tons of money!

Fitness First:

10 minutes to better abs.

Techie Love:

Every wish you could do something with all those amazing pics you have on Instagram?? Now you can! Turn them into magnets!!

Wine Me, Dine Me:

Looking for a healthy breakfast you can eat on the go?? Try this super easy and wicked healthy cookies.

Health and Wellness:

We all know mediation is good for you. But it can be really hard to get started. Check out these 5 different practices and find one that works for you!

One hour a week could change your life.

Be True, Be You:

25 things you don’t have to justify to anyone.

Giggles and Such:

Take a seat. Make a friend.

It’s all about sex baby.

gimme some sugar baby

booksfanta seaHave a great weekend!

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Filed under dating, DIY, etiquette, family, Finally Friday, following your dreams, food, friendship, gardening, giggles and such, growing up, health, inspiration, looking for love, nesting, play, quotes, sex, technology, videos

Love More, Worry Less

John Lennon wasn’t perfect (cough, ahem, Yoko, cough) but he was right about one thing – all you need is love.

just love lennon quote

No matter where you fall on the dating spectrum, Valentine’s Day brings anxiety and agida. (That’s indigestion for all you non Italian-Americans)

valentine's day 2

If you’re in a committed relationship there are expectations to meet, which can feel even more daunting if you’re in a newly committed relationship.

If you’re single there is a certain exclusion, you don’t really get to participate even if you want to. (Or do you???)

valentine's day

I’ve never had your stereotypical Hollywood Valentine’s Day.

The one and only time I’ve been in a committed relationship for the Holiday of Love I received a coffee thermos as a gift.

Practical? Yes. Romantic? Not at all.

What’s Valentine’s Day really about if you take away all the Hallmark commercialization?

hallmark valentine

150 million of these are given each year!!

February 14th was officially declared Valentine’s Day in the 5th century by Pope Gelasius, although written Valentines were not exchanged until the 1400’s.

During the Middle Ages, in France and England, it was commonly believed to mark the start of birds’ mating season.

bird mating season

Supposedly, Valentine’s Day celebrates any one of three saints called Valentine, all of whom were martyred, one of whom happened to die on February 14th.

Some say it’s a Christianized version of the pagan celebration of Lupercalia.


Celebrated at the ides of February, Lupercalia was a fertility festival dedicated to Faunus, the Roman god of agriculture.

To begin the festival, priests would sacrifice a goat for fertility and a dog for purification. (I guess dogs really are clean animals!)

luprecalia sacrifice

The goat’s hide was then cut into strips, dipped in the sacrificial blood, and taken to the streets, where women awaited and welcomed slaps on the face with the blood soaked goat hide.

This was believed to make them more fertile in the coming year.


After this loving ritual, all the young women of Rome would place their names in a giant urn.

The city’s bachelors would then each choose a name and become paired for the year with his chosen woman.

Just think about that the next time you lament your relationship status during the month of February!

relationship status

I don’t know about you, but, I’d rather be a little lonely than slapped in the face with a blood soaked hide and randomly paired off with some neighbor for the next year.

So no matter where you fall on the relationship spectrum…

New relationship:

love is a risk peter mcwilliams quoteCommitted relationship:

committed relationshipSingle and loving it:

being single is awesomeSingle and frustrated:

My Love Life

Just remember

love more worry less

Happy Valentine’s Day!!

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Filed under dating, family, friendship, giggles and such, inspiration, looking for love, quotes, sex

It’s Finally Friday!!!

Quote of the Day:

it never was between you and them mother teresa quoteWine Me, Dine Wine:

Tuesday was World Nutella Day. If you missed it or if you just love the chocolatey hazelnut goodness check out these mouthwatering recipes.

Got food in the fridge but not sure what to make for dinner? Check out this wicked awesome website.

Round the World:

Think all tourist traps are a waste of time and money? Not these ones!


The best pep talk you’ll ever you’ll ever get. Seriously – watch it – it’s amazing!

Luscious Locks:

Super simple and super cute.

Giggles and Such:

I think I just burnt my boob.

don't cry over spilt milkhey man got any grassnacho friend anymore

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Filed under Finally Friday, following your dreams, food, giggles and such, hair tutorials, inspiration, quotes, travel, videos