Tag Archives: meditation

It’s Finally Friday!!!

Quote of the Day:

Alice in Wonderland quote

How Does Your Garden Grow:

If you use as much garlic as I do this will save you tons of money!

Fitness First:

10 minutes to better abs.

Techie Love:

Every wish you could do something with all those amazing pics you have on Instagram?? Now you can! Turn them into magnets!!

Wine Me, Dine Me:

Looking for a healthy breakfast you can eat on the go?? Try this super easy and wicked healthy cookies.

Health and Wellness:

We all know mediation is good for you. But it can be really hard to get started. Check out these 5 different practices and find one that works for you!

One hour a week could change your life.

Be True, Be You:

25 things you don’t have to justify to anyone.

Giggles and Such:

Take a seat. Make a friend.

It’s all about sex baby.

gimme some sugar baby

booksfanta seaHave a great weekend!

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Filed under dating, DIY, etiquette, family, Finally Friday, following your dreams, food, friendship, gardening, giggles and such, growing up, health, inspiration, looking for love, nesting, play, quotes, sex, technology, videos

It’s Finally Friday!!! (sort of…)

Apparently I was so excited it was Finally Friday I forgot to post yesterday. Better late than never right?? Enjoy 🙂

Quote of the Day:

emerson quote

Round the World: 

Looking to get away this winter without breaking the bank? Check out these top rated all-inclusive resorts.

Wine Me, Dine Me:

Crazy easy and super healthy. I usually substitute red and yellow bell peppers and sugar snap peas for the veggies.

Climbing the Ladder:

Interviews make you nervous?? Read this!

Don’t fall for these 6 career myths.


Living wall art. So.Frigging.Cool!!!

Health and Wellness:

We all know meditation is good for us but I bet you didn’t you know all these benefits?!?

Techie Love:

Think your smartphone does everything?? Bet you didn’t know it could do this!

Friends Forever:

The grown-up way to show you’re BFF’s.

Giggles and Such:

Who’s driving that car??

Pre-heating the oven if the foreplay of baking.

you look nice today

never look back

age doesn't matter

Have a great weekend!!!

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Filed under Climbing the Ladder, DIY, Finally Friday, food, friendship, giggles and such, health, Life Style, nesting, quotes, technology, videos

It’s Finally Friday!!!

Quote of the Day:


Have you seen those super cute burlap pillows with sayings on them? Think they’re over-priced?! Me too! Here’s how to make your own!

Climbing the Ladder:

Hit a wall on that new project? Can’t find enough time in your workday? Check out these 3 ways to think deeply and be more effective in the office.

Wine me, Dine me:

For all you fat kids like me who can’t control themselves when there’s baked goods in the house, check out this genius recipe for making a single serving of cake!


In case you didn’t know October is National Anti-Bullying Month. Bullies don’t go away as you grow up, they just get older. But sometimes you get to put them in their place. This woman is amazing!

Another great story for Anti-Bullying Month:

Health and Fitness:

For the ladies, 8 muscle groups you should NEVER ignore.

Round the World:

Like to fly solo? Check out the best places to explore sans wing man.

Mo’ Money, Mo’ Problems:

13 ways Americans throw away money. Which are you guilty of?

Giggles and Such:

This video makes me wish I had a trampoline and a dog…

I got my tight pants on!

This video has three of my favorite things; cake, Hannah Hart, and Jenna Marbles. You’re welcome 🙂

Have a great weekend!!!

P.S. What do you think of the new categories? Does it make it easier for you to find the Finally Friday feature for you?? What category would you add? Would you get rid of one??

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Filed under Climbing the Ladder, Dollars + Sense, Family + Friends, Finally Friday, Get Cultured, Health + Wellness, My Favorite Things

Begin the Healing

I can’t lie kids – the last seven days have been a little rough.

Suffice it to say Mr. Fix It can go fuck himself.

I honestly wasn’t sure what I was going to write about today.

Thankfully it seems like the peeps at Positive Thoughts are reading my diary.

Below is yesterday’s post:

When life as we know it comes crashing down around us, our hearts ache, our minds go numb, a haze seems to surround us. We are shocked, angry, and sad beyond anything we’ve ever felt before. We are frightened and shaken. We ask, “Why? How could this happen?” And often, we ask, “Why me? Why us? Why them?” Our faith is tested…and also our resolve. We might wonder if we will find the strength to go on…or if we even want to go on. It’s all so overwhelming. Here are 10 steps to help you move forward.

1.  Schedule quiet time.  Do what you have to do each day, but schedule at least 15 minutes of silence every day for a while. Take a walk alone before work, stop at noon for a bit of reflection, or meditate each evening before bed. Use the time to reflect, weep, pray, or just sit and be aware.

2.  Accept your feelings.  Don’t try to push them away. Healing begins with identifying our emotions…whatever they are. Fear, guilt, regret, anger, or sadness…accept them as they surface.

3.  Express your feelings.Write in a journal, pen a poem, sketch a drawing, or write a letter to a dear friend.

4.  Connect with people.  Be with family, friends, or church groups. Share your pain, and comfort each other. Talk to a counselor, if you wish, or a spiritual leader, but be open to the love and comfort available to you. Know that you are not alone.

5.  Create remembrances of what has been lost.  Hold a memorial service and ask close friends to share memories in a book. Assemble a photo scrapbook of someone lost, or a video collage of treasured moments. Frame a special note or a shared favorite quote. Perhaps you can find a small object (a ring, photo, or small piece of glass?) that will help you to feel connected. Keep it close to you and hold that love forever in your heart.

6.  Pass along the love.  One way to honor a life lost is to give others what meant so much to you…a tender touch, an understanding smile, a shoulder to lean on, or the boost of positive energy.

7.  Contribute what you can.  Donate to an appropriate cause, offer prayers of healing, volunteer your time, give blood, or support your local rescue workers.

8.  Be an emotional support.  Hold someone who is grieving. Listen generously. Tell your own story of this and past recovery so others will not feel alone.

9.  Commit acts of kindness.In your workplace leave anonymous notes of appreciation, offer to help someone who’s on a tight deadline, or simply bring in a breakfast treat. In your community, you might adopt a homeless pet, volunteer to deliver meals on wheels, or rake leaves for an elderly neighbor. Show more patience with everyone you meet.

10.  Live each day in meaningful ways.  Revisit what’s important to you, and then schedule it in. Make time for birthday parties and coffee with friends. Tell people what they mean to you. Stop to give thanks for all that you have. Use your gifts every day. Hug your children more…teenage or not!

And remember that we all heal in different ways and at differing speeds. Follow your heart. Take time to feel, take care of yourself, and take one step at a time.

Suzanne Zoglio, Ph.D.

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Filed under Change, Climbing the Ladder, dating, following your dreams, growing up, inspiration, looking for love